Friday 10 April 2015

A beautiful soul, now a beautiful memory

“Seashells remind us that every passing life leaves something beautiful behind."

Today marks a year since her passing and yet, it feels like last night when I received a phone call informing me of what had happened. 

As I sit on her swing, 20 years of beautiful memories flash by my eyes. From playing "restaurant" and "salon" with her to watching the sunsets and the birds, talking to her about the beauty of the universe we live in, learning about her struggles and experiences back in the 50's and to just peacefully sitting in silence. 

When I came back, I expected to feel a very deep, an endless pit of emptiness and pain in my heart, and I did. But soon after, that big hole of emptiness was filled with a peace that made me smile. Perhaps it was all the memories or perhaps it's because we never truly lose someone when they pass away. The concept of loss has been complexly redefined by man when in reality, they're just crossing a bridge that every one of us will too, eventually. 

So I think what I'm trying to say is that the people that have supposedly moved on, are still with us; the connection is still alive. We can give them gifts like we did before, just with a more lasting effect this time; an eternal gift so to say. Let's do some good out there in their name and bring joy to their souls and in turn, to ours. 

If we are able to take lessons from their lives, their life was worth living. If their lives make us better people, their job is done. It's beautiful when I think of what I can take from my grandmother; and it's even more beautiful to know that she taught by living as opposed to speaking or telling.

So let's open the shutters to our hearts, plant some trees, support those who need it and do all the good we can.

Stay blessed :)

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